GSO Test

A Specialist Provision School


Ethos and Values

At Rowan Tree Primary School our priority is to put the children at the centre of everything we do, to get to know each personality, and to enable and support each child to learn as much as they can. We treat every child as a unique individual. We aim to ensure that all children have equal access to high quality opportunities within and outside school.

We work closely with families to support them and their child. As part of a multi-disciplinary team, we work with a range of therapists to provide an integrated approach to education and health, both at home and school. We work together to make sure we have the best impact for each child. 

Our priority is to make children feel good about themselves, enjoy life, have friends, communicate with others and contribute to their communities. 

Our priority is also to have a staff team who have a love of learning, and understand that learning takes place at any point throughout the day. Therefore staff make the most of each learning opportunity. In this way our vision statement is central to our work: ‘Learning Every Moment.’

Enabling our pupils to learn as much as they can, often requires staff to be ‘detectives’, finding out what interests or upsets pupils, what motivates pupils and the barriers faced by pupils. The staff team actively learn from each child, create an appropriate learning environment for each child, and are ambitious for each child.


Mission Statement

Rowan Tree Primary is a school community where